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Cindy Moody

Thank You.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

-Meister Eckhart

Hi ProAgers!

Well, it’s been a busy year for ProAge Wellbeing. Together, we’ve set SMART goals, celebrated birthdays, became grounded, explored ways to nourish our minds and bodies, even appreciated our spirit animals and more! If you missed any of my blog

posts for 2023 and would like to read them, just click here.

As this year wraps up, I would like to share with you one of my personal favorite wellness practices. Many years ago, I developed an early morning ritual that I still

follow today. I wake up before the sun rises, usually light a candle and some incense, make a hot drink then settle in with my husband and pup for a morning meditation.

The time spent is anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on our schedules.

This precious time has changed and evolved over the years but it is consistent. Sometimes we sit in silence or we may read thought provoking passages to each

other or listen to meditative music. So much has come from these early mornings;

deep conversations, laughter and tears.

I’ve added a couple of my favorite links for you to enjoy. The 1st is a beautiful, moving meditation “Honoring Life”. The 2nd is a lovely and soothing song. If you choose to listen to them, I would encourage you to find an uninterrupted time to fully appreciate the words and sounds.

To my family, clients, friends and followers, I would like to say a heartfelt and sincere thank you for supporting me and inspiring me with your stories of strength, resilience and generosity.

May you continue to grow and prosper as you pursue your goals, if you have a favorite wellness practice, please share and comment or if you would like help developing your own personal wellness practice, LET’S TALK. I can help you.

Proud to be a ProAger!


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